In our offer you will find:
Toast flour is produced from selected grain. It has a very fine granulation,
which affects the absorption of water – flour easily undergoes hydration.
The dough quickly forms a homogeneous mass. It also allows for good
crosslinking of gluten protein and insertion into this net of starch particles,
which results in superfine and spongy structure of bread crumb.
Below the possible parameters of toast flour:
This flour is produced from selected wheat varieties with a high protein content.
It has a diversified granulation, which facilitates good forming of baked products:
bread or bread rolls. The dough made of such flour has good plastic properties:
better retains marking (for example stamps on Kaiser rolls).
Below the possible parameters of a given flour:
Special flour for traditional Italian pizza. It is made from excellent wheat cultivated
in Żuławy region. Flour is light with a very fine granularity. The dough does not need
to be stored in cold temperatures, is loose, flexible and can be easily formed, and after
baking the crust is thin and crispy.
Below the possible parameters of a given flour:
This flour is characterized by a fine granulation, low protein and gluten
level and low viscosity. For its production, special wheat varieties are used.
To achieve the desired effect of efficiency in the production process it is
important to have a waffle dough in a proper consistency when the shape
is formed. The waffle batter prepared from this flour evenly spreads and fills
the baking irons. The waffle made from it have the appropriate
crispness and crunchiness.
Below are the parameters of waffle flour:
Pastry flour (industrial) is produced from selected grains with an average protein c
ontent. This flour has fine to medium granulation.
Below are main parameters of pastryflour:
Bun flour is produced from a special variety of wheat, which provides the appropriate
rheological properties, has a high protein content together with a strong and stable gluten.
These parameters allow for a long fermentation process, which facilitates obtaining
a compact crumb structure – desired for this type of rolls.
Thanks to the high falling number and low enzymatic activity, the hamburger bun
prepared from this flour has a delicate and soft crust.
In addition, the low enzymatic activity also results in the light crust colour.
Below the possible parameters of a given flour:
It is intended for the preparation of starch “roux”
(pastes). It is obtained by separating the smallest flour’s fractions during grinding.
Such a fine granulation of the flour allows its easier hydration. The paste prepared
from this type of flour has a high homogeneity (so-called “creaminess”).
The addition of scalded flour improves the dough’s preparation process (it forms faster,
better binds water), improves fermentation (which affects crunchiness of the crust),
but also naturally extends the shelf life of the bread (its freshness).
Below the possible parameters of the flour:
In our offer we have flour from flowing ancient grains:
Spelt, einkorn and emmer are the ancestors of the modern wheat.
Thanks to baking qualities and health benefits they currently regaining their position.
Usage of each flour in recipes may vary depending from Technologist’s vision
and expectations of potential consumers.
Ingredients such as seeds, herbs, dried fruits, etc. can also be used in the recipe
based on flours from ancient grains.
Due to the great diversity of final products customers often develop their
own recipes using customized flours. For those clients we create tailored
products based on specifications received from the client or prepared with
the client. The quality and properties of these flours are developed in close cooperation.
And the flours are produced to the highest standards of quality, hygiene and food safety.
Just tell us what you need and we, based on our experience and modern production
process, will prepare a suitable product for you.